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Peace in His Presence

Dec 1, 2024

Join authors Michelle Diercks and Pastor Andrew Jones for a special Advent series that weaves together themes from their upcoming books from Concordia Publishing House. Michelle explores how God's promises bring peace in all circumstances in "Promised Hope: Finding Peace in God's Faithfulness" (releasing January 7, 2025). Pastor Andy's book "10 Lies Satan Loves to Tell" (releasing January 14, 2025) unmasks the deceptions that often shake our trust in God's faithfulness. To celebrate their book launches, these two authors have created "Advent Reflections," a thoughtful series examining how Satan's lies try to distract us from hope. At the same time, God's promises remain unshakeable - just as they did for Mary and Elizabeth. Through these conversations, Michelle and Andy demonstrate how the truths of God's Word strengthen, our hearts, reminding us that God still makes the impossible possible.

Key Topics Discussed:

  • Mary's encounter with Gabriel and her faith response
  • The 400-year period of silence between the Old and New Testaments
  • How Satan's lies of "you cannot trust God" and "you must save yourself" affect us
  • Finding peace during difficult family gatherings, especially during holiday seasons
  • The importance of remembering God's presence (Emmanuel) during Advent

Featured Books:

Scripture Reference:

  • Luke Chapter 1 - Mary's Story

Resources Mentioned:

  • CPH website for previewing both books' first chapters
  • Both books available through Concordia Publish