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Peace in His Presence

Dec 23, 2018

As we gaze upon the beautiful nativity scene, we are captivated by our tiny newborn King. The Messiah has come, and it is time to celebrate. Christmas in all of its glory is beautiful and breathtaking, God himself has come to us, to be our Immanuel. 

In the background, we see the shadow of the cross. The tiny helpless baby, God himself, is the Savior of the World. 

We owed a debt for our sin, the punishment should have been our death, but God in His love for His children sent His son to take our place to receive our punishment.

No one has ever suffered more than, Jesus. He faced hell for us so that we don't have too. The magnitude of the gift we have been given is far greater than we can even begin to imagine. 

One day, we will see Jesus face-to-face, and at that moment we will begin to understand the marvelous gift we have been given in Christ Jesus. We will have all of eternity to celebrate God's love for us.