Jul 10, 2023
When life looks uncertain, what do you cling to? Do your thoughts turn towards God or how you might fix what is wrong? But what if—you can’t fix it? What happens then?
What you believe to be true about God changes how you live your life and face each moment.
Jesus says, come to me all who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. This rest is for right now in this moment. He offers you, Promised Rest, amid all the uncertainties of life. It is His gracious gift to you.
I write more about this topic in my book, Promised Rest: Finding Peace in God’s Presence. It is a meditation on God's various names and characteristics to deepen your understanding of Him and your identity as His beloved Child.
This summer, I’m celebrating the first year of Promised Rest being available and I’m re-releasing the podcast episodes I made for each chapter of the book with special guests who interviewed me about the book.
In this episode, Michelle's sisters take over the mic to interview her about the first chapter in her book, which is about the name Elohim.
If you would like to find out more about Promised Rest, you can go to michellediercks.com/rest or you can find it on Amazon or CPH.org
In this episode, they talk about what happens when you can't fix what is wrong? What do you do? How does knowing God as Elohim help you?
Michelle share's a prayer for you and it is one that you can use when life feels uncertain and you need to be reminded of who God is and who you are as His child.
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